Steam Downloaded Game Then Update Queued and Redownloaded Again

Jul 24, 2013
  • #1
I posted on the Steam forums and got 0 response so.. I figured to post here and hope for some better luck and ideas.

Basically what happened started from yesterday. I decided to re-download CS:GO just because my friends were asking me to re-download the game again. The download went smoothly, finished in about 15+ minutes give or take. So, I closed Steam after that. I think 1-2 hours after or something around that time, I reopened Steam and had an update, so I updated and didn't think 2nd about it really. Then closed Steam again after it finished doing all of that. A little bit later, as I was about to sleep, I checked up Steam one more time, for friends etc and found that DotA 2 had a patch. So I tried to patch it and it was stuck on Queued. I figured this was a bit weird, so I tried to force the patch to go through and it then gave me the "An error has occurred while updating DotA 2. (Download Corrupt)" I kept trying to no avail, until I finally forced it through by doing the "Verify Integrity Game Cache" After doing it, it still was stuck on Queued but I forced it once or twice and the patch finished.

So after, I thought this wasn't normal but I closed it and went to bed. I woke up today and before working, I turned on my computer and checked Steam. I decided to test if the issue was on going and deleted DotA 2 and attempted to re-download it. It failed, being stuck on Queued, then "An error has occurred while updating DotA 2. (Download Corrupt)" if I try to force the Queued to download. Then, I went through the usual Steam help for that, nothing worked. (I have had this issue once before so I know the general steps). I tried switching regions, checking my settings (none of them changed), even reset my internet. So as a last resort, I uninstalled Steam completely along with every game I had in the library. I used CCleaner to clean out the registry and all that after.

After I got rid of everything, I rebooted then freshly reinstalled Steam. Again, when I attempt to redownload DotA 2, it is forever stuck on Queued. I tried CS:GO (which I just re-downloaded a few hours before sleeping), same issue. Stuck on Queued and the Download Corrupt error if I try to force it. Same with Skyrim, etc.

So here I am, I have lost everything in my library for Steam in trying to fix this issue out of the blue. It has happened before, but it was very wide spread after Steam Update messed up something on a lot of computers. This time, I don't see the complaints, although I see a few people who can no longer log in.

What should I do? I did everything, should just wait and hope Steam/Valve fixes this?

Nov 30, 2013
  • #2
Are you sure you or your ISP aren't just inadvertently locking out Steam? It needs certain ports to be opened, via forwarding or UPnP, even for downloads, and it obviously needs admin rights for the default program files directory or for any other protected directory. If any application (such as an overly zealous security suite or a firewall) is blocking such things, it might be resorting to the infinite queue/corrupted download message.

For what you may or may not know, it may also just be an issue in your region, country or local area. I never had such issues in ages and rarely read about complaints for the same reasons; whenever it would get stuck on queue I would just restart Steam, with everything going back to normal, but had no corrupted downloads whatsoever.

FWIW, I also opened up Steam about an hour ago (Western Europe, Italy), with updates for Firefall and The Darkest Dungeon; they both went through effortlessly. It's obviously just me, so it doesn't really stand as something to consider useful unless someone else eventually chipped in with similar results, but I thought I could share it anyway.

Nov 30, 2013
  • #2
Are you sure you or your ISP aren't just inadvertently locking out Steam? It needs certain ports to be opened, via forwarding or UPnP, even for downloads, and it obviously needs admin rights for the default program files directory or for any other protected directory. If any application (such as an overly zealous security suite or a firewall) is blocking such things, it might be resorting to the infinite queue/corrupted download message.

For what you may or may not know, it may also just be an issue in your region, country or local area. I never had such issues in ages and rarely read about complaints for the same reasons; whenever it would get stuck on queue I would just restart Steam, with everything going back to normal, but had no corrupted downloads whatsoever.

FWIW, I also opened up Steam about an hour ago (Western Europe, Italy), with updates for Firefall and The Darkest Dungeon; they both went through effortlessly. It's obviously just me, so it doesn't really stand as something to consider useful unless someone else eventually chipped in with similar results, but I thought I could share it anyway.

Jul 24, 2013
  • #3

Ya I'm not sure. As the only thing that changed. Happened to be a Steam Update. I even restarted my internet and tries to reinstall as well which didn't work. I have a few friends I spoken to and they had no issues. I have quite literally tried everything, in attempts to solve this. And unlike last time when I did try everything, I found out it was a Steam Update problem. This time, I don't see anything. The last few times I had DL issues, I found out it was caused by a LoL thing. (A random program I didn't realize installed with LoL that gave Steam's Download trouble. Halting, pausing my dl, slowing it down etc.) Once I removed the program from my computer, my 100 meg download was back to normal.

Only thing is, on Steam's Reddit, it shows some Servers on US down, but that could be anything. I have only seen 1 thread regarding this on Reddit, with the same issue, a few others are long in problems. I took pictures of it. I will do a steam dns flush before sleeping but I highly doubt that would solve anything.

Nov 30, 2013
  • #4
If you're managing to log in correctly but pages from the community or the shop are having issues showing, then yes, it might be a DNS cache issue.
It's unlikely otherwise, but it doesn't hurt checking either way; at worst you'll have a slightly less responsive internet for a couple days, while the cache rebuilds itself up as you browse.

Launch the command prompt and try the "ipconfig /flushdns" command, albeit it's not sure it'll fix anything. I'd love to be proven wrong tho :p

Jul 24, 2013
  • #5
Ya just did both, nothing as of yet. Sigh >.>

Fyi this is what I meant by people having log in problems.

Also apparently this person is having the same issue as I am.

Nov 30, 2013
  • #6
Well, if you have any firewall set, I can only advise you to temporarily disable it and see if Steam works. Obviously, re-activate it as soon as you're done trying.
Also, do try and see if you have similar issues with other applications and/or games (e.g. An MMO).

If this happened after a patch and the above tests turn out that the issue is indeed with Steam only, it's likely their fault. At that point, your best bet IMO would be to contact their technical support and/or just to wait it out, I'm afraid...

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