So Do Matt and Pat Have Some Kind of Beef

With numerous years and thousands of videos under their belt, to say the gang has gone through a few gags is an understatement. These also go in and out of fashion at the drop of a hat, depending on their moods or whether or not the fandom has beaten them to death.

  • Any time a voice clip gets repeated ad nauseam in a playthrough, it's sure to become a recurring gag with the guys. Two examples are "The balloon! Gotta get the balloon!" and "I'm gonna need some more wood for the fire."
  • Whenever the Best Friends are playing a game and the player character is taking pictures, Matt will say "great, amazing, fantastic," in reference to the game Dead Rising in which the main character would compliment himself for photos he took.
    • It's also a reference to the game Deadly Premonition; York (the player character) will compliment himself during combat if he scores a headshot with a gun.
    • After playing Pokemon Snap, Professor Oak's commentary also entered the lexicon of photograph-reactions
  • A common joke in the Machinima days was for Matt to blurt out AMERICA! as a form of Eagle Land Patriotic Fervor, which became extremely funny upon the reveal that Matt and Pat are both Canadian note Although Matt is half-American through his mom's side.
  • During their SNES playthrough, they repeatedly call back to the game they played at the beginning of the video, Time Cop.
  • Pat continuously brings up Reptile's invisibility while playing Mortal Kombat 9, whether he's actually onscreen or not. This has shown up in their Earth Defense Force, Skyrim, Metal Gear Solid HD, and Resident Evil 6 videos as well.

Pat: You can't see him though. You know why? 'CAUSE HE'S FUCKIN' INVISIBLE!

  • More often than not, the episode will end with one of them screaming something.
  • They love mocking bad jump animations.
  • THERE ARE NO BED SHEETS! Matt and Pat constantly bringing up how hard it is to animate a person under the covers. Referenced mostly when video game character lie on top of the covers or (very rarely) the designers actually manage to accomplish it to Matt and Pat's shock.
  • "See you later, fuckers!" as characters run away from the action.
  • Claiming "there was a (X) here, it's gone now." when an object/person that was in a particular location in a previous section is gone when returning to the area.
  • "Remember that time when..." as Matt brings up an anecdote, true or not.
    • A variant when playing liscensed games to either mock the source content (e.g. mocking various Spider-Man storylines) or to mock the games themselves for letting the player do strange things. Subverted in Prison Break:

    Matt: Hey, remember that time in Prison Break where—

    Pat: No, I don't.

  • "... for no raisin!"
  • Pat claiming "It's FINE", sometimes over and over again despite Matt's complaints that "It really isn't, (though)" whenever things in the game start to go horribly wrong.
    • In a similar vein, Pat or Matt saying "Don't worry about it" whenever a glitch or poor design choice shows up.
  • Playing "Snake Eater" every time a character goes up a ladder.
  • Repeated references to Pat's uncle being an absolutely horrible human being, or Pat's mom being a lady of the night.
  • Referring to black characters as Woolie, and claiming he lives in the most run-down unhealthy living conditions known to man.
  • Although this isn't intentional, it still sort of counts: Matt's consistently awful navigational skills and his tendency to throw the fireaxe in the Silent Hill: Downpour Let's Play.
    • To the point now that nearly every time they get a fire ax as a weapon they make a Call-Back to it. Also to a lesser extent the "Tour Guide Richard Nixon" voice.
    • On that same token we have Pat getting pissed off at Matt in the Final Fight Streetwise Let's Play because of Matt not remembering what the dodge move is.
  • "Tour Guide Nixon" makes regular reappearances in subsequent playthroughs.
    • "Can't go that way, gotta go this way."
      • "—through this scary (X). Where the devil lives!"
      • "The devil doesn't pay his rent."
  • Stating on multiple occasions that they will never play Minecraft.
  • If given the option, Matt will dress a male character in female clothes or as close to naked as possible.
    • He strips his character down to completely nude in Saints Row The Third. Matt and Pat don't seem the least bit bothered during the sequence.
  • When Matt & Woolie are in a playthrough, especially one involving old school Nintendo games, they'll often claim that Pat "had no childhood", as he had a Sega Genesis rather than an NES or SNES.
    • Part of the intro sequence to Matt and Woolie's Old School Playthroughs is text saying "Pat had no childhood; we did!"
  • The two arguing over the quality of a game's controls, especially so when they are demonstrably horrible, usually leading to a riposte of "It's FINE" and "It really isn't, though" (see above).
  • Making fun of James Small and his British accent and his love of the Dreamcast.
  • Whenever a scenario involving a box or similar container appears, Matt will normally shout "What's in the [object], man?! What's in the [object]?!", a nod to the quote from the ending of Se7en.
  • "[Random character] is the Origami Killer!" It started as jokes during the Heavy Rain videos where Matt and Pat deliberately randomly incriminated characters in the game as the game's villain.
  • Matt randomly dropping the word "doucement" note French for "slowly", and pronounced like "Juice" and "Vermont" into sentences.
  • Claims that antagonists are after the Philosopher's Legacy.
  • "I never asked for this."
  • The very first Fighterpedia episode mentioned Zubaz, a dropped concept character from the original Street Fighter. Every subsequent Fighterpedia episode referenced Zubaz again, and he still shows up in episodes of Super Best Friends Brawl and Two Best Friends Funtime Adventures. He's since gone on to appear as a playable character in a few independent games the Best Friends have supported via crowdfunding, such as Kaiju Combat and Divekick, and an appearance as a special boss in Shovel Knight.
  • Pat, and sometimes Matt, often hopes that this isn't Chris' blood.
    • "WHAT A MANSION!" The guys really love ripping on the corny dialogue from Resident Evil.
    • "Look at THIS!"
  • A few from their The Walking Dead Let's Play, including Matt's hatred of Duck, both of their hatred of Larry and later Kenny, mocking Lee being "urban", the Shame Car and Shame Hoodie, and reminding themselves the game is "unpatchable/can't be patched", whenever they notice a glitch.
    • "Nobody fucks with us!" was another popular catchphrase of Matt's from The Walking Dead.
  • Matt's "Solvin' a Problem" song and Pat's insistence that he stop singing.
  • Woolie's Hulk doll that was destroyed by everyone in his family, thus ruining him for life.
  • "If you're just joining us, we're talking about X" Whenever things goes way out of context. Happened quite frequently in the Revengeance playthrough.
    • Alternatively, "If you're just joining us, and I don't know why...", acknowledging how little sense the joke makes in a Youtube video.
  • "Cut your shit!" Pat's catchphrase from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
  • Referring to enemies as "Most Refined <name>", a reference to Most Refined Ichisumi from Double Dragon Neon.
  • You'll be hard-pressed to find a video that doesn't have a Metal Gear reference.
  • Matt makes Simpsons references nearly every video as well.
  • During their Silent Hill: Homecoming Let's Play, as well as some others, when Pat compares the game to Silent Hill: Downpour he usually accidentally calls one of them Silent Hill: Downcoming.
  • Randomly yelling "Nanomachines" in reference to MGS4
  • Pronouncing "baby" "babby"
  • As of their Deadly Premonition and Homecoming playthroughs, there is constant mention of Woolie's operation and not much is known about it other than it heads into Nausea Fuel territory.
  • "Do you know how many [object] I have to [verb]? More than you'd think, and less than you'd hope." First said by Matt in their Soul Calibur V episode. In later playthroughs, he often makes some variant of it. When a nearly identical phrase popped up in Deadly Premonition (which Matt had played before, but didn't remember very well, and may have subconsciously stolen it from), it freaked them both out.
  • A can of pickles labeled "The Pickles" shows up as a recurring food item in Deadly Premonition and never fails to amuse the two. At one point they find a crate full of them and stock up, eating dozens of cans of nothing but pickles later on.
    • Also, they'll break down laughing every time they use the fast-travel radio and hear that "screeching brakes" sound.
  • Pat will often express frustration or disbelief over something while Matt will often feign obliviousness to what caused Pat to react in such a way.
  • THE HYPEST GAMEPLAY ON YOUTUBE! whenever something mundane and tedious occurs.
  • Pat's newly acquired disgust of ducks, thanks in part to Plague of Gripes.
  • Their hatred of Dog Eyes to the point that he is the standard that they judge despicable assholes by.
  • Referring to Ellie of The Last of Us as "garbage". Later on, she's upgraded to "trash".
    • Also stating 'Geez, Joel' whenever they kill an enemy, and later every few minutes.
    • References to Ellen Page, particularly her role in Juno and the Hamburger phone.
  • Using the term "goin' nuts", as inspired by one of team sp00ky's Zelda playthroughs. Made hilarious by the fact Matt and Pat have used it more than sp00ky ever did.
  • Their insistence of substituting "wrestle" with "rustle". Examples include "rustler", "rustling" and of course "Rustlemania".
    • According to their Podcast, it's gotten to the point that Matt does this subconsciously.
  • Matt loves to give kids good advice to deal with their everyday life.
    • Pat suggests they do coke.
  • Every single aspect of Fahrenheit or Beyond: Two Souls is a failure of the game designer (a reference to David Cage's comments about Game Overs).
    • "I made the bad game", said in David Cage's french accent.
    • Referring to Aiden as a Stand, much to Pat's frustration.
    • Nathan Dawkins and his need to kill Spider-Man as well as his fear of getting nails hammered into his dick.
  • H'yuking it up. Mostly seen in their The Last of Us.
    • Usually phrased in the form "Look at this guy, just yukking it up!"
  • Matt saying: "There's no time!" when Pat questions plot inconsistencies/bad writing.
  • "AW, MY BREADSTICKS!" Explanation The gang ordered pizza one fateful night and Rising Superstar Liam nearly dropped their box of breadsticks, causing Matt to shout the now-infamous line
  • Any colored fume will be called Fart Gas.
  • If you hide under a pile of coats, everything from the police to your responsibilities to the end of the world will be unable to find you.
  • Any dirty, disgusting interior location will inevitably be compared to Woolie's apartment.
  • Whenever the best strategy is to wait out a time limit or otherwise play as slow and cautiously as possible, it will be phrased as "Lame it out like it's Cross Tekken."
  • After playing "Insanidade", almost every game they play is "a mysterious jogo".
  • The Donkey Kong Country LP has this title card whenever Matt and Woolie get stuck.
  • Matt's inability/refusal to understand the Yen-to-Dollar conversion rate, and Pat's frustration with him each time it happens, in the Yakuza 4 LP.
    • Even Pat gives up after some time, saying only the Japanese Minister of Economics could figure that out.
  • They fairly often make references to 1990s-era professional wresters; in particular, they seem to mention the One World Order, Sting, Scott Hall, and Chyna fairly frequently.
    • Throughout the Rustlemania series, and any other time they're playing an old wrestling game, it's usually pointed how many of the wrestlers featured have died since the game was made and almost every game has a least one "ghost match" where all player characters are dead people.
    • Pat's insistence on using Chris Benoit in every game so that they could reference that fact he killed his family. It evolved into them making a sign saying "Bring Back Benoit" when they went to a live wrestling match.
    • Whenever something goes wrong, they tend to speak in an Arabic accent and yell "Fuckin' bullshit!"
    • Constantly finding reasons to bring up X-Pac "tearing his anus".
    • Ric Flair has been around since at least ancient Egypt, and his exploits there can be found on papyrus and hieroglyphs. They also compare him to Kan-Ra, a 2500 years-old Babylonian sorcerer.
      • Any on-screen appearance by Ric Flair will be greeted with a "Woo!" from the group, even in the middle of other topics of conversation.
  • Whenever the Playstation Vita is brought up someone will usually sarcastically say "Vita means 'life'" to mock its poor sales performance. This also seems to stem from Pat legitimately liking the system, but not being factually able to argue Matt's venomous hate of it.
  • Referring to Kenny from The Walking Dead whenever a boat shows up in a game.
    • They also call Kenny "the Boat Master" and claim he'll return in the sequel as the final boss with sweet Boat combos. The fact that he does indeed return in Season 2 is looking promising...
    • And depending on what path you take, he basically is a final boss.
  • Pretty much once per full LP Pat will latch on to one character in the game who he'll hate to an almost irrational level for the rest of the game, and occasionally even beyond then. He'll go out of his way to hurt or harass them whenever he's given the chance. This includes, but is not limited to, The Stiff from Final Fight Streetwise, Kenny from The Walking Dead, Quint from Deadly Premonition, and Ryan from Beyond: Two Souls.
  • There's usually some comment made about Liam's attractiveness and desirability.
  • Nailed it!
    • Per-Fect!
  • Matt exclaiming "BURNING!" in the most Engrishy way possible.
  • They've made up so many lies about Woolie at this point (that he's a pie-stealing liar, that he's killed someone, that he can't read, that he hates small animals, etc.) that he's actually starting to get angry with them; Pat admitted Woolie almost smacked him during a podcast when he claimed that Woolie didn't know how to read.
    • In general, they make up ridiculous stories about whoever isn't there, especially if the video has three people present. Examples include claiming that Liam is under house arrest or that Pat randomly shouts "White power!" during every phone conversation.
  • Saying some variation of "This kept fighting games alive during the dead times!" when playing a really bad or cheesy fighting game, a nod to Mortal Kombat: Armageddon.
  • Any mailbag package from that doesn't have any sender information is from "Jimmy Amazon".
    • In the Mailbag, whenever they're sent fake snakes, Woolie will pretend to fight them while epic music plays.
  • Baby Ashley. explanation Baby Ashley was a realistic-looking expensive baby doll Pat received during a mailbag episode, which led him to put it on top of a drawer just out of eyesight so that they'd only see it after they've already sat down. It has rarely ever failed to freak people the fuck out.
  • The word "revelation" will always be pronounced "re-va-lay-uh-tons", thanks to Resident Evil: Revelations's Typo on the Cover.
    • In general, Matt particularly enjoys mispronouncing things on purpose (for instance, pronouncing Magneto as "MAG-neh-toe").
    • One of Matt's more frequent mispronunciations is to pronounce words that end in "-ation" (except the aforementioned "revelation") in a faux-French manner, ending it with "-ah-si-on" to rhyme with the French word for swimming, natation.
    • Matt incorrectly pluralizing words, or referring to single nouns with the plural form. For example, during Shadow Of The Colossus, Matt consistently calls an individual colossus a "colossi".
  • For a while, mostly in Yakuza 4, Matt kept pissing off Pat by bringing up Face/Off.
    • Pat attempts to get back at Matt in the Resident Evil 4 playthrough by obtusely stating "I just blew his FACE OFF" more than once. Matt is unfazed.
  • Insisting everything could be improved by the addition of Monstars.
  • England is "James Small land" and everything there is done for the Queen or the Dreamcast, the Master System.
  • Moving the game characters in circles rapidly.
  • "WHO?!"
  • Pat's hatred of Ego the Living Planet.
  • Matt, upon having trouble recalling a certain piece of information or trivia, will ask the audience to leave a comment with the answer.
  • Throughout the earlier parts of the Dark Souls II Let's Play, Pat ended up using a few pieces of advice heavily, the most infamous being "DROP YOUR FUCKING SHIELD!!" and "You know what I mean?" Once someone made a compilation video of them, Pat consciously avoided them (and toned down the back-seat driving in general), but this just got the others to frequently use them in other videos to make fun of him.
  • Sarcastic claims that any game is "Just like Dark Souls". Often it's done when someone is repeatedly going through some segment because they keep failing, but it can just as well be at complete random.
  • Any time a game results in two players trying to out-predict the other, expect Woolie to bring up "Yomi, the Japanese word for reading the mind of the opponents"
  • During their con videos, having a montage of cosplayers that they purposely mis-identify.
  • Matt brings up Fred Durst any time some one or thing is "Rollin'", sometime even describing rolling as "Fred Dursting".
  • A Running Gag about running gags: every time a new gag is thought up by one of the Zaibatsu, it's referred to as "new lore"; established running gags are just "lore".
  • Woolie saying that muskets were used in World War I has become infamous among the group.
  • Referring to Woolie as "Grandma Swamp".
  • Every so often Matt makes an "Augh God!!" reaction in reference to Lambert's reaction in the infamous chestburster scene in Alien.
  • Japan's obsession with Monster Hunter has become something of a running gag between the Zaibatsu.
  • Pat never leaving his home.
  • Woolie being a Predator.
  • "Haul ass to Lollapalooza!"
  • "Shit's locked."
  • 'Clam Chowdah.'
  • Ever since their Quick Look at Shadow the Hedgehog, the titular black hedgehog and his theme "I Am" has been mentioned in various other videos, usually Sonic related stuff though Matt himself brought up the theme in Part 22 of The Evil Within.
    • Also due to a slip up in that Quick Look, they now occasionally refer of Sonic Team as "Shadow Team".
  • The Race War: It was first brought up during their Prison Break LP by an NPC in that game, and it's continued on from there.
  • During the Nuzlocke, that guys started to live in fear of every Machop they encountered because a large portion of their party that were killed had been killed by a Machop.
  • Woolie, Matt, or Liam thinking of a video or song that they want the viewer/listener to see and telling them to stop watching the video they're currently watching or listening to the podcast and to goes see their suggestion instead. This is usually immediately followed by Pat correcting them and telling the viewer/listener to finished the podcast or video BEFORE watching something else and telling the others to stop telling the audience to stop watching their content.
  • Pat hates Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth and refuses to play it. However, he wanted to get the half of the Persona Tarot deck that comes with it, so he bought it anyway. Now Woolie, who wants to play Persona Q but doesn't own it, asks if he could have it since it's otherwise unopened and unused. Pat refuses to even lend it to him. Ever since, every time Persona gets mentioned in any context, references to Pat's refusal to lend Persona Q to Woolie come up. Often with Pat adding a new degree of absurdity to it, such as opening the game and putting it in his 3DS, but not playing it, just so Woolie can't say "it's unopened" or promising to lend it to Woolie the day Woolie purchases his own copy.
  • Pat is dying and will likely die on camera, in the middle of an LP.
  • Electrified visual effects will sometimes be called sexual energy.
  • Woolie and Pat really like to sarcastically use the Japanese word "mamoru" ("to protect", often used in the phrase "Zettai Ni Mamoru"), jokingly describing everyone's motives as needing to "mamoru" someone/something.
  • Games that are buggy, have a lot of loading/texture popping, or are otherwise very unpolished are consistently described as "being made as you play it".
  • Whenever one of them starts to question the Fridge Logic and/or Idiot Plot of a game, the other will most likely retort, "No, shut up."
  • One that seems to be getting a lot of play is "X, how long can you Y in the frozen time?", a quote lifted from the penultimate episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders
  • Matt and Woolie are fond of quoting Bad Blood and Shake It Off.
  • From Life Is Strange, Liam's hatred of Warren has leaked into other videos. As has use of "hella" and Hot Dog Man.
  • Starting in the Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, stating that something has been replaced with something else leads to a proclamation of "OOPS! ALL X!" (which stems from Matt's amusement with the cereal "Oops! All Berries") or "No X. All Y."
  • In the Metal Gear Solid V playthrough, Liam singing "Greatest soldier in the world, Big Boss!" whenever he does something awesome or messes up spectacularly.
  • Matt's tendency to recite the lyrics to Sonic Adventure 2's "Live and learn".
    • Likewise Woolie and Liam will start singing "I Am... All of Me" during some spindash to get on Matt's nerves.
  • From Until Dawn, Pat constantly joking about the cast having sex on top of Hannah and Beth's skeletal remains.
  • Matt and Woolie's playthrough of Final Fantasy X has spawned two: Wakka being cartoonishly racist against the Al Bhed people (to the point where the pair make KKK jokes about him such as his job title being "Grand Wizard") and his obsession with "Bleetzbol", how they pronounce the word "Blitzball" with Wakka's accent.
  • Matt tends to burst in bits of Metallica songs whenever prompted. In particular, yelling "Battery!" anytime a battery is an item or (unenthusiastically) talking about how someone's "lifestyle determines their deathstyle", as well as saying "Darkness imprisoning me" wherever something about darkness is said.
    • Matt and Pat's insatiable hatred of St. Anger. explanation During the Silent Hill 3 playthrough, Matt and Pat bash St. Anger and the name of the songs on the album, such as "Invisible Kid" and "The Unnamed Feeling", and Pat can't believe the album was made by the same men who wrote Ride the Lightning.
  • Every time Mr. Snip-Snip (an anthropomorphic pair of scissors, used as a metaphor for cutting several moments from the video) is mentioned during a really frustrating game segment, expect the friends to succeed in their endeavors.
  • Matt and Pat are both fans of RedLetterMedia. Matt in particular is fond of imitating the Mr. Plinkett voice.
    • Matt especially loves the line "[That's okay.] I'm a coward too."
  • The phrase "[character] is the [other character] of [medium or show both are actually from]", which started with Matt seemingly accidentally saying "Birdo is the Poison of video games"
  • The others tease Woolie about picking final boss characters in fighting games, even if he doesn't actually pick them.
  • "Kill them all Peter". A line that Matt uses when they talk about the destructive out-of-character nature of some heroes in adaptations, specifically heroes from Zack Snyder's superhero movies.
  • Kill 'Em All 1989, 410,757,864,530 Cops Killed, Born to Die, World is a Fuck. explanation A phrase that was exclaimed by the Zaibatsu during a Friendcast based around a Chinese shirt with Engrish writing on it.
  • In the event of any supernatural phenomena, Matt will exclaim that it must be the work of an enemy stand.
  • In the L.A. Noire playthrough, Matt loves to make fun of the pedestrians who point out they know Cole from the newspapers.
    • The Best Friends constantly bring up the fact that pedophiles in the game (which is a lot) tend to become Karma Houdinis due to circumstances, and joke that Cole Phelps will always let child molesters go and that paedophilia is an easy 'get-out-of-jail' free card in the 40s.
  • In the Def Jam: Fight for NY playthrough, there is Woolie's glee and Matt's misery every time "COMP" plays, which is surprisingly often in spite of the fact that they placed it at the bottom of the game's playlist.

    Matt: Has the fuckin' song become sentient?

  • There's also Matt's beef with the white rapper Bless.
  • During their playthrough of Souls games, Pat has had a habit of making factually wrong or debatable statements. As of Dark Souls 1, this has now been attributed to his Stand, 「Crazy Talk」, wherein any statements made are false and reinforces the direct opposite of what it described. For example, if Pat were to say that it was raining outside of his apartment, the world will change it such that it would be clear and sunny instead.
  • During their playthrough of Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure. Matt constantly asks Woolie what are the elements of hip hop. Here's a full list.
  • During their playthrough of Night in the Woods when Angus talks about the perception of reality being chemicals, and Woolie taking a moment to explain that his own references to feelings being chemicals isn't meant to be dismissive. Has resurfaced his old Never Live It Down moment and has been joked about by Matt, Pat and the comment section.
  • "Did you see that [x]?" "I don't know what I saw. It might've even been an [x]."
  • On the podcast, they love to point out seemingly every indie/Kickstarter game was developed "by former members of the Bioshock team".
  • Originating from a common refrain of Pat's about Min-Maxing in God of War (2018), in both of their playthroughs of Detroit: Become Human we have "[x] go down, [y] go up".
  • One running mention is the group of "Break glass in case of emergency" games, ones that they would definitely enjoy and go for if they need something to fill the schedule in a pinch. This was acknowledged in their Dark Souls LP, in which the description of the first video is "*sound of glass shattering*".
  • After noticing how weird way Dante says mother and his somewhat confusing relationship eith Trish being that she looks a lot like his mother. has made them not only constantly say mother in a weird nerd and nasaly voice but also give Dante have something of an obsession concerning his mother.
  • Woolie misremembering the opening and the fight between Vergil and Dante in Devil May Cry 3 as both of them being shirtless has made both Pat and Woolie constantly bring it up especially when they got through 1, skipped 2 and played 3.
  • During The Evil Within, Pat got into the habit of saying "excuse me" a lot, particularly to zombies that are in his way. The best part was, he didn't even realize he was doing it until it was pointed out to him.


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